All of these resources have been chosen because of their reputation. They are all well established brands that are here to stay. I try to offer a broad spectrum of teaching materials that suit every single taste.
Acoustic Guitar Ages 5 and up
This is a lovely little course that will introduce your children to guitar using chord shapes and standard music notation (they will learn to read a little music!). Students use a beautifully illustrated hard copy book AND online media which gives them the best of both worlds. It caters for ages 5 and up and serves as a springboard to further, more challenging, learning methods. Their online platform is easy to navigate and includes options for video and audio with speed and loop functionality. This gets 5 stars from me for children excited to get started in guitar!
Acoustic Guitar & Ukulele Ages 8 to Adult
Everything has gone digital - almost. Learning is no different and I'm keen to embrace the technology as well as traditional methods of tuition. Instead of learning from a book we now have the option of using online learning platforms. One of the leading platforms that I think is perfect for children (and adults!) is Yousician. Do you remember Guitar Hero? The plastic guitar with the big colourful buttons? Well this is todays equivalent, but as you can imagine, a lot more sophisticated and a lot more advanced!
Yousician listens to your instrument using a microphone on your smartphone, tablet or laptop and gives you instant feedback on screen. Watch the video below to find out more!
Acoustic Guitar Ages 8 to Adult
Some students are interested in getting their skills graded and I use the RGT (Registry of Guitar Tutors)/LCME (London College of Music Examinations) syllabus for Acoustic Guitar from Step 1 to Grade 8. There are many reasons to do grades but ultimately it comes down to the student and what their goals are. I don't push grades on students but simply offer them as an option. Grades offer a great way to progress on your instrument in a very structured manner. Doing an exam in a grade doesn't have to be daunting. It's a chance to show the examiner what you can do! If you like a challenge and want a little recognition for all your work, then perhaps grades are for you!
Acoustic Guitar & Ukulele Ages 11 to Adult
Some students prefer to dive right in and just learn a song from scratch. Or perhaps they are an intermediate or advanced student who wants to learn a particular song or style or genre. For this type of learning one of the resources I use is Ultimate Guitar. UG is probably the most widely used website of its kind. It gives the chords and tablature for literally thousands of songs which can be searched for by name, genre, style, decade, musical key and capo or no capo!! It can be used free but also has a paid for version, like most platforms these days. Check out the video below that shows the features of this great website.
I've used a number of's tutor materials and they are excellent. Their website is very comprehensive and includes a whole raft of goodies and information for those interested in the discipline of Acoustic Guitar. Once you arrive on the main site, clicking on the 'Magazine' tab takes you to what seems to be another whole website in itself. From there you can select 'Instruction'. Topics include Alternate Tunings, Blues, Fingerstyle, Flatpicking, Folk, Jazz and Rock. They all come with an ebook (pdf). Some come with video and others with audio and the instruction is first class. See the video below for an example of what their lessons look like.
Last but by no means least, The Complete Guitar Player books are close to my heart, as this is what I started with when I was 12 years old. I didn't even have a CD with my book, but just being able to pick up a guitar, learn some chords and play some tunes was epic. I have such fond memories of sitting on my bed with a copy of the Complete Guitar Player Book 1 beside me, trying to twist my fingers into these unusal shapes called chords! The Complete Guitar Player Series is highly successful and is still selling to this day! There are many many books in the series. A really excellent set of tutor books that truly do make learning easy. Check them out on Amazon:
Check out the video review below for The Complete Guitar Player Book 1